Friday, September 30, 2022

week 6

This week we went to the room next door to organize and make it look a little better. Then we Went to the farm to move stuff around and take some stuff out. We took the baby chicks to the farm. I painted a table pink with two other classmates.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Week 5

Measurement Isometric drawing. Last week I learned how to right down measurment and learned/ try to draw Isometric.

Friday, September 2, 2022

 week two:

     Over the past two weeks it's been really hot. I got to touch a baby chick that was super cute. I finish all my assignments and learned some new things.  

5 words, when ,where, why

 1. Landscaper, started in the 6th century bc. The Mayan civilization, the flora grown for use of the people.  2. Engineer/ 2550 bce. Pyrami...